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About My Approach to Counseling & Coaching

Welcome! Spiritual Renegade Transpersonal Counseling and Coaching, LLC does not provide mental health counseling or licensed therapy. My spiritual counseling and coaching model is an accompaniment and companioning model that works with people on a soul, self, and consciousness level. 


"Embrace your grief, for there your soul will grow." - Carl Jung


Paul (He, Him, We) accompanies his clients on the path to a rich interior life rather than primarily focusing on external events or relationships. Typically people seek counseling to focus on external realities, such as relationships, jobs, or life events and the conflicts that occur on that level. However, Paul works with his clients to focus on their interior life and the inner conflicts or experiences within oneself that then impact one's outer reality.


Paul's style of counseling and coaching fosters a restorative and expansive space, while maintaining the view that people are essentially good -- on a spiritual level we have a Divine spark within us. Paul doesn't try to "fix" people or situations, but rather he helps his clients cultivate deeper awareness and equanimity in their lives. He does this by helping individuals shift from a problem-oriented consciousness to a solution-oriented consciousness.


As an Integral & Transpersonal Spiritual Counselor and Coach, Paul co-creates with his clients a space for deep inner work of the psyche (soul). Paul is also a Thanatologist so he brings his training in death, dying, and bereavement to his counseling and coaching practice to assist his clients in their grief and death anxiety. Paul integrates Jungian, Existential, and Yoga Philosophies & Psychologies to assist his clients discover dynamic pathways of working with their ego during their individuation process, a life-long process of becoming integrated and whole. This is not about becoming perfect, but rather a journey of deepening and expanding one's awareness within and without.


Paul has deep insights from his own life experiences in the transformative aspects of liminal spaces, transitional or threshold periods in life, where one is betwixt and between an old and emerging period in life. Transitional times can be very difficult and rather uncomfortable periods in life; however, it is in these liminal spaces where the "magic" happens and where significant growth can occur. Paul provides a welcoming presence and space for all people regardless of their sexuality, gender, race, ethnicity, and cultural, religious/spiritual affiliations.



Topics and Areas of Practice:

- Grief work, companionship, and meaning-making

- Death anxiety 

- Symbolic and Metaphorical death 

- Spirituality beyond religion

- Religious or Spiritual harm/injury

- Life transitions/Discernment Process


Integral & Transpersonal modalities:

- Jungian Psychology: Dreamwork,

  Active Imagination, and integrating the Shadow

- Existential Philosophy & Psychology

- Yoga Philosophy & Psychology  

- Nondual wisdom

- Meditation and Visualization practices

- Ignatian Spiritual practices





Client testimonial(s):

“As a therapist myself, I have had a difficult time finding the right kind of counselor that fit for me. Paul has introduced me to new techniques that have been influential in my day to day life. Paul is very grounding and dedicated to providing the support that is needed to his clients.” - Samantha




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My Services

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